mercredi 4 août 2010

Happy Birthday , Mr President ! God bless America and your family !


9 commentaires:

patton a dit…

All the best to you , to your family , to America and Occident !

patton a dit…

Richard --

President Obama turns 49 next week, and OFA supporters across the country are sharing in the fun.

Volunteers on the ground are holding birthday parties -- and we'll be recruiting new volunteers for this grassroots movement that has helped President Obama so much.

Want to come?

Here's what we're doing in Saint Petersburg:

What: President's birthday event

Where: 2250 1st Ave N
Saint Petersburg, FL 33703

When: Wednesday, August 4th
4:00 pm

Can you make it?

Yes, count me in.

No, but I'd like to sign a birthday card for the President.

No, but I want to see if there are other events near me.

No experience is necessary, and talking to potential volunteers is a fun way to spend some time.

RSVP for the President's birthday event in Saint Petersburg:




Jeremy Bird
Deputy Director
Organizing for America

krn a dit…

les empereurs romains ont été divinisés, le roi a souvent été considéré comme un demi-dieu.
La figure de sa majesté est omniprésente, billets de banque, pièces de monnaie, timbres poste, nul ne peut y échapper, les portraits accrochés dans les tribunaux et les administrations nous harcèlent.

Khrouchtchev, en parlant de Lénine, avait dénoncé ce culte de la personnalité selon une expression qui est restée.

Ce qui me trouble, c'est qu'une personne qui se réclame du droit et soutient un pays qui se dit démocratique, qui se doit de l'être, copie ces habitudes féodales et extrémistes (Mao, Hitler...) dans une dérive égocentrique ridiculissime.

patton a dit…

Je suis simplement civil ...
Je soutiens OBAMA et je lui souhaite son anniversaire ?
Je ne le souhaiterai pas au Barbu Crapoteux d'Iran ...

patton a dit…

Chacun ses gouts .

patton a dit…

D'ailleurs , je suis cohérent : Je ne souhaiterai pas non plus ton Anniversaire ..... niac niac

patton a dit…

arack Obama à moi
afficher les détails 22:10 (Il y a 16 heures)
Richard --

I want to thank you for signing my birthday card.

Michelle told me that she was planning something a little different this year, and I was overwhelmed by the kind words I received from so many supporters like you.

This job has a way of offering humbling moments. And the support you have shown me, time and time again, has sustained me through any number of difficult days. It is more than any president deserves, and I could not be more grateful.

On my birthday, I spent some time considering what the year ahead will bring -- a new set of challenges and opportunities, some that we can foresee and some that we cannot.

If we continue to stand together, I know we will continue to move America forward and win these fights for change.

Thank you again for taking a moment to sign my card. As far as birthdays go, it is hard to imagine topping this one. But then again, Michelle always has a way of surprising me.



Vixen a dit…

Dis moi ! T'es bien vu par ton ami obama.

patton a dit…

Normal ...!!!
Je suis son copain .